Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Literacy continues

School's out, originally uploaded by Lancaster Today.

Last day of primary school today - time for lots of uninterrupted reading.

Photo taken outside at the end of June, a time when Lancaster had 'real' summer weather. Today it is raining.


  1. A very nice photograph, and I like photos of kids, not only posing .....

  2. This is a lovely study, Eamon. I do not mind whether it is posed or otherwise.

    I tried to work out the name of the book by taking passages and googling them. But failed ... miserably! Do you know what book was being read, please?

  3. Thanks both - Julie, it's a Philip Pullman book I think, but not sure which one. I'll ask yasmin tomorrow and post an update.

  4. Ah, it's good to see kids reading. Sometimes I fear that with things like computer games and social networking sites, children don't pay any attention to "static" books any more.

    Thanks for your visits to Villigen. I appreciate the comments.


Thanks for the comment in advance. All thoughts are appreciated ~ Eamon.